Director of Publication

Emmanuelle Delanoë – Owner

19 rue des fours à chaux





Photos page TOURISM – from CRT Bretagne

Photos Villa Saint Raphaël and Garden :

Simon Bourcier Photographer

Javier Belmont Photographer site

Website design and set up

Emmanuelle Delanoë

Website Support & Collaboration MangoLight – Web Agency – Dinard

agence web saint malo, dinard, villa saint raphael

Graphic design

Roxane Marchevet – graphic designer

Personal data

The website may need to collect personal data about visitors, via booking requests or via questions in the contact form.

In any case, the Villa Saint Raphaël agrees to keep these data only for the time of the reservation and stay. The data collected will remain confidential.

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Right of access and rectification

Pursuant to Law 78-17 relating to data protection act of January 6, 1978 (article 34 ), people for which personal data are collected have a right to access, modify, and ask for their deletion. This right may be requested by contacting the manager of the website.

Site ownership

The site is the exclusive property of Bed and Breakfast « Villa Saint Raphaël ».

EURL VILLA SAINT RAPHAEL  – 19 rue des fours à chaux – 35400 Saint Malo

SIRET : 801.333.097 RCS Saint Malo. SARL au capital de 1000€.


The site is hosted by WP SERVEUR SAS, société de droit français au capital de 10000€, based 134 Avenue du président Wilson 93100 Montreuil, registered RCS de Bobigny sous le numéro 808 840 474, n° de TVA FR86808840474, représentée par son dirigeant légal Philippe BAROUK.

Intellectual Property

The information, materials, names, logos,graphics…. on this site are protected by laws of copyright and / or intellectual property. Any unauthorized use of them may constitute a violation of these laws.

No part of information and documents on this site may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the Villa Saint Raphaël.

Links on this site may direct users to external websites. Villa Saint Raphaël has no control over the content of such websites and disclaims all responsibility if their contents violate law and regulations.